Thursday, February 22

meet my new best friend; the universe

Things finally seem to be rolling, in a way that has elicited a strange eye-of-the-storm feeling deep within my belly. I'm waiting on receipt of a written report from the hospital about my girlybits, though I know it's definitely in the mail because the doctor that wrote it called me on Monday to ask what she was meant to say. She was actually worried she might write something that would get my application rejected! How sweet. I can't really get around telling the truth, though.

Buoyed by the knowledge that the red key was on its way to me, I figured I should start on the blue key. That one being booking into a GP for a retest of my urine. When I had the RAAF interview that included some initial medical testing, they found blood in my urine, so I needed another report after any required investigation. Fortunately it was all clear, and I didn't have to go through the rigmarole of figuring out what was wrong with me that was causing that particular bit of trouble. I have never been so excited about pee in a cup, ever.

Strangely enough, yesterday was the last day of my gym membership. I wasn't sure whether I was going to be enlisted by now, but because I had to give 28 days notice to cancel it, and I've been training a heck of a lot outdoors these days, I thought it was a good idea to get rid of it. A weird coincidence happened when I decided to hand in my two weeks' notice at my job last year, when all I knew was that I had sent in my RAAF paperwork, and was waiting to hear whether they would even give me an interview, let alone a job offer. As I walked back to my car at the end of the shift, I checked my voicemail and there was a message from the recruiters. I set up my interview for the day after I got back from a short stint in Sydney...

I haven't resigned from my current job yet, but I have actually planned another visit to Sydney. I'm quietly hoping that I'll still be in town by the time Sydney peeps come down here to visit, which is some time closer to Easter. Heck, I've signed up for a 15km run on April Fool's Day, which I've been training too hard for to not feel bummed if I miss out on it, no matter how thrilling enlistment would be! My Sydney friend said I should worry less about the what ifs and she's right, as much as I feel like I should put parts of my life on hold in case I get the call within the next couple of weeks, I've still got to live. I'm far better off adapting to circumstances as they change; not a moment before.

Couldn't sleep properly a couple of nights ago, and thought I should reread all of the online information about training prior to and during boot camp. It turns out that the metrics used to graduate from boot camp have been changed according to different age brackets! Even though I am still getting fitter (and hopefully stronger) as the weeks fly by, because I've spent the best part of a couple years dragging out my application, I now fall into the 25-34 year old category. This means that I get an extra minute to run 2.4km (I've spent about a month cutting down my run time to under 14 minutes, which is now good enough), only have to hang for 25 and not 30 seconds (the last time I checked I could go for 20), and need to do 25 and not 30 sit-ups (which I've been able to do with medicine balls 3-6kg anyway). Despite all my training, someone or something has suddenly made my chances of passing the fitness requirements a tad easier. Fantastic!

Told my run bud that I was feeling fortunate enough to buy a lottery ticket. You know how sometimes, every now and then, things just seem like they're starting to slip into place in your favour? I was reading somewhere that whenever you experience such a 'luck window', you should buy a lottery ticket. Just to see. If anything, just so you won't regret not trying your luck while having such a good run at life. I also said to him that even if I happen to land a ludicrous amount of money, if I get a job offer from RAAF, I'm still going to take it. That's probably a good sign that I'm onto a winning albeit unusual career path, ey.

I think that if they're willing to let me in with my status quo, I may be enlisted just after my birthday! If I need to get further treatment, it could be another twelve months before enlistment. If I am deemed permanently medically unfit, I've gotta think about another way around this!