Wednesday, October 25

it won't happen overnight...

It's been about a month since I started training properly. I've collected a handful of compliments, gained some upper body musculature, thrown out a heap of clothes that don't fit any more, and I'm pretty sure that the goals I'd scrawled down in my personal fitness diary have been met. Sure, I was a little vague in saying that I wanted to be the fittest I've ever been, but without having measured my fitness throughout my entire life, I can only go by how I feel.

The sessions are continuing to challenge me, and though it's still disconcerting that while I'm in the middle of a session I feel incredibly unfit and pushed way beyond my limits, afterwards I feel good with the knowledge that I've worked bloody hard. I read a motto somewhere: if I can do this, I can do better. Sounds more like an applied version of what doesn't kill me can only make me stronger, ey. Pity that most of the time when I'm doing cardio intervals I actually do feel like I'm about to die. I think I've forgotten the difference between good and bad pain, and can only hope that if I'm really about to burst a vital organ, I'll know when to stop.

I'm managing to get to the gym at least once a day, sometimes twice if I train in the mornings as well as the afternoon. I never really thought I'd do it, but I've actually made training a priority in my life. Next on the list is nutrition, which I must admit will probably be more of a struggle than just doing the physical side of things. I dig food way too much, and cook/shop for the stuff way too little. I can read as many books as I want to on nutrition, but what I really need to do is focus on the long term application of such knowledge.

I think the hardest thing about living a life that revolves around food, is trying to control what to eat and when. Obsessing over food is such a horrible diet mentality, even though I know I am free to make choices for the rest of my life, and I know that the choices I generally make are good for me. I've never enjoyed saying no to food that I like, or being around people that are consciously depriving themselves of the pleasures of so-called bad food. I guess I just don't want to become one of them as well.

It's pretty cool that I'm already seeing really good results, and I haven't made that many changes to my diet as yet. I'm hoping that once I buckle down with the nutrition side of things, I'll actually stop sabotaging the good that I've done!

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