Tuesday, May 8

two months to love

Well, this is it. Or at least, as close to it as I can be until I'm actually in.

My blood's been taken for HIV/Hepatitis screening. My first attempt at the Pre-Enlistment Fitness Assessment was successful. Just have to repeat it within four weeks of enlistment. My initial Police Check form had expired, so I sent another one in yesterday. These three things will apparently get me a Letter of Offer. Here's hoping. I've been told that my proposed enlistment date is 3 July, so if all goes according to plan, I've got about seven weeks of civilian bliss left!

When I first heard the date, I thought it would be plenty of time to sort out my affairs before I go in, yet not so much time that I'll feel like I'm just sitting around and twiddling my thumbs, waiting for the real action to happen. Seven weeks has turned into seven weekends to catch up with all sorts of people, hopefully scrounge enough money to have the biggest bash in the universe a mere handful of days before enlistment, and a small amount of time to gloat at current and past work colleagues about finally making it somewhere I've been talking about for years.

I'm surprised that I've got this far, to be honest. It's been years in the works, and I've got to admit that there have been multiple times when I really did wonder if this section of my life story would ever actually kick off. Even my enlistment coordinator was looking through my paperwork and commenting on how long my application process had been drawn out for. I've got this truly electric feeling as the days flash by.


Unknown said...

Just in case you were wondering what the blood test is for:

HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus (who you been screwing?)

Hepatatis B Surface Antigen (where'd you get your tat?)

Hepatitis C Surface Antibodies & Hepatitis C Virus (who's given you blood?)

T. Pallidum Hemagglutination Assay - Syphilis (were you bonking in world war 2?)

Blood Group (make sure they don't give you the wrong stuff)

RHA - Rapid Hemagglutination Assay (any other viruses we missed?)

G6PDP - G6PD Deficiency (are you allowed to eat Fava beans and certain legumes?)

GPA - Glycophorin A Assay (are you susceptible to breast cancer?)

ange said...

I didn't even know about the last five! Maybe I should have looked at that pathology paper more closely?

I think I'd be mighty embarrassed and bewildered if I had Syphilis. That even sounds like an old man STI.