Thursday, September 4

truck rolled over on the F3

Well, it made me laugh. I'm glad I have other people who read and forward emails all day to sift through all the crap, in order to find me the really good stuff! Saves me having to do it, anyway.

Speaking of sifting through crap... or perhaps thinking of wasting time on the internet, one of my many avenues of online escapism (such as looking at rental properties, used scooters, cheap cars, international flights, interstate hotels) is now poking through the Defence Force Recruiting website. I'm sort of toying with the idea of either remustering and being a bit of an ACW of all trades, or maybe switching to Reserves if it's actually possible to go there from here (a lot of people do it the other way around), or chasing a commission and going for an officer role in logistics, intelligence, or education.

The newest campaign on DFR's website is a flashy looking extreme questionnaire with the banner - COMPLETE THE TEST AND DISCOVER IF YOU'VE GOT WHAT IT TAKES TO BECOME AN OFFICER IN THE AIR FORCE. Of course there's the fine print that says that the online tests 'do not have a scientific basis and are in no way a literal representation of the actual Air Force or broader ADF officer aptitude tests. Therefore any results obtained cannot be used in, or referred to, as part of any applications to join the Air Force or broader ADF.' So basically, anyone who knows how to read grey print on a black background can figure out that it's going to take a little more than an online test to determine whether they're officer material, and by doing the test they are signaling to someone in a government department far, far away, that percentages and pie charts with a bit of glossy marketing can indeed pique the interest of the internet punter.

What's all this got to do with a truck rolled over on the F3? Well, the funny thing is, yes DFR, I have wondered if I have what it takes to become an officer in the Air Force. I'll believe for a moment (or two, if needed) that by taking the Air Force Skills test I'll gain a better idea of my own talents and abilities, as well the key qualities that contribute to becoming an officer in the Air Force.
So go on, find out if you’re accomplished.

I would, DFR, trust me, I would... if the 'Take The Test' button actually took me to somewhere other than a blank page! Or perhaps this is part of the test, and clearly anyone who's officer material would be laughing their way through the thing right now, as opposed to laughing at getting thwarted at first click? Not feeling so accomplished now.

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