Saturday, January 17

how to recruit the right person for the job…

(A debrief of the first week back to work to follow; for now, here's the best of the jokes that were sent to me in the month or so that I had off. Translations in square brackets for the civilian impaired!)

Put about 100 Bricks in some particular order in a closed room with an open window. Send 2 - 3 candidates into the room and close the door. Leave them alone and come back in 6 hours to analyse the situation.

If they stack and count the bricks: Assign to RAAOC [Royal Australian Army Ordnance Corps]

If they recount the bricks: Assign to Pay Corps

If they've done nothing useful except make a huge mess with the bricks: Assign to RAE [Royal Australian Engineers]

If the arrange the bricks in strange order: Assign to Clerks

If the make the bricks into a wall and insist on knocking it over with their heads: Assign to Infantry (without delay)

If they insist on eating the bricks with the belief of hardening up: Assign to Armour

If any bricks are broken and one candidate dobs them in: Assign him to MP's and the others to Infantry [Military Police]

If the candidates are throwing bricks in no particular direction: Assign to Artillery

If they've already knocked off for the day: Assign to the RAAF

If they're staring out the window: Assign to Navy

Finally, if they are all sitting around talking to each other and no bricks have moved… congratulate them and send them to Duntroon. [Royal Military College, for officer training]

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