Monday, April 28

are you my mentor?

There seems to be a little secret squirrel business going on, which has meant that my favourite PTI and my most recent Corporal/mentor are being whisked away very soon. I'm not meant to know where or when, and I probably shouldn't even be saying this much about it.

Yet I can't help but feel a slight twinge of abandonment, seeing as I only just started getting my butt back into gear with physical training, and even though I was beginning to find the old-school method of learning bulk cookery kinda draining on top of the back-to-back late to early shifts, I'm now a little *too* on my own.

It's a blessing and a curse that I received a computer of my own today, delivered smack bang in the middle of lunch service, would you believe? I won't have internet access for a couple of days, if at all, depending how reliable the Optus drone is that I spoke to about wireless broadband working with Apples, as well as the general comprehension of where I live.

He kinda freaked out about me living on a military base and not having a 'real' address. Funny thing is, you ask anyone around here where the RAAF base is, and they'll know. You get onto the base and ask where the Airmen's Mess is, and they'll know.

Ah well, we'll see what happens. I'm not going to hold my breath - my previous experience with various telecommunications companies isn't overly encouraging. In the meantime, I've got a beautiful screen to watch Apocalypse Now! I've also been playing with some comic-creation software, which I'm sure could make for a wonderful time-waster and money-saver this weekend instead of attempting another adventure into

I can't believe I'm only a couple weeks away from going to Brisbane! I remember when I still had more than a month to train for the 8km Mother's Day Classic, and now I'm going to somehow cram some training in true last-minute fashion. I'm not sure physical training works the same way that halfhearted exam study does, but I'm sure as heck going to try.

It's going to be a bit of a battle against the diminishing good weather conditions, and the call of the computer, but I also have weekly 5km fun runs on base to look forward to and train towards. It's a little daunting running in an event where I'm probably going to be the most unfit and least cocky person present, because I'm sure there'll mainly be freaks that run 5km in fifteen minutes!

I figure that if everyone's leaving me behind for some hotter, drier, dustier clime, I might as well get fitter and stronger in the meantime. If only to have a good answer when people come back and ask what I've been doing with myself.

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