Tuesday, April 8

masters of disguise

When the mail came in today and I was given a letter from the top of the heap while it was being sorted, I jokingly hung around as if there was going to be more fan mail over and above the letter I had already expected. Strangely enough, there actually was another letter, and stupidly ignoring anything I'd ever learnt about opening strange packages in the mail, I tore it open while still in the kitchen, not able to wait for a suitable break time.

It turned out to be a compact of Camtech's camouflage paint, in the 'Desert Shield' colourway, and a short note saying they'd seen my blog and thought I might like some free stuff. Would I ever! Even though I'm not sure how much use the cam cream is going to be in the short term, seeing as I don't expect to be camming up any time soon, let alone required to be in the Middle East, but still. It's the thought that counts, isn't it? Then again, what kind of thought would it be, considering I've technically been cyber-stalked by someone from a company that deals with the art of concealment?

I'm not sure how to take it all, really. I don't even know who to thank at the company, because the note was just signed off with what looks like initials or a scribble, no legible name. Was it even meant to be a free sample, or is some peon that works there willing to send away the colours that aren't selling as well to randoms on the internet? Sure, I wanted friends and people that knew me to send me cool stuff in the mail, but now I'm wondering if I should be more vague about where I live and work! Then again, mail coming into this place is probably more secure than anything else I've ever had sent to me in my life.

It's already been a week of surprises, and it's only Tuesday. Yesterday we had a visit from the Minister for Defence, Mr Joel Fitzgibbon (unaffectionately known in Defence memos as MINDEF), which I didn't even know was happening, because I was busy waking up with a brew at 0500 instead of dutifully checking my emails as I should. Embarrassingly enough, I didn't even know who MINDEF was (and internal emails never mentioned him by name, so checking them wouldn't have helped that much anyway!), rather, I knew that it wasn't going to be Brendan Nelson coming through the doors of the Airmen's Mess.

I thought that this was a rather unusual PR jaunt, with MINDEF being taken around various Airmen jobs around base, as opposed to schmoozing with officers. Unfortunately, I had to pose for a few photos on a day when I wasn't even ready to put hairspray as well as mousse through my hair. These things always happen when you least expect or want them to! Fortunately, I only had to call Mr Fitzgibbon sir, and he barely said ten words to me, because he was distracted by his escorts, the photographer, and the Gap Year kids that were clamouring for his attention, while I still had a line of people to serve lunch to... duty calls, and all.

Apparently, it's tradition to buy one of the higher ups a carton of beer for getting such a photo opportunity, even though I didn't actually have any desire for anything of the sort. I have a feeling that I was chosen because I was the new kid on the block, and also the only female working on shift, and therefore the easiest target. Perhaps I could have used the help of Camtech yesterday, when I wanted to just hide from the limelight!

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